Press Release Headlines

A Father's Day Gift That Dad Will Love – Tiny Two-Way Key Finder and Remote Control Locators

ARLINGTON, Texas, June 3, 2004 — For an original Father's Day gift that Dad will use all year long, buy him Find One, Find All(R) Key Finder and Remote Control Locators (FOFA(R) for short) from Melbourne Designs, LLC. Each FOFA, which is about the size of a small car remote, can be attached to commonly lost things: keys, remote controls, wallets, PDA, etc. Unlike other keyfinder systems, no clumsy base transmitter is required for these tiny two-way wireless devices. Since each FOFA can find all its other FOFAs by making them beep and flash, gadget-loving fathers can use them at the office, in hotels, on vacation, anywhere. Dad is sure to have a lot of fun with your gift and will enjoy being the one who can find that remote control! What's more, you can have up to 36 FOFAs in one household, which allows each family member to have their own "set" of six. FOFAs are easy to use and a gadget that will be the envy of all the guys. They sure beat ties and socks!

FOFA can be ordered online at or by calling (866) 245-8670 (Toll Free). The three-pack of FOFAs costs just $29.95 + S&H and includes all batteries and instructions. Customers can pay by Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, or check/money order. FOFA is also available from major retailers.

Contact Amanda Melbourne (817) 478-7271 or email Email for more information. Melbourne Designs, LLC is based in Arlington, Texas.

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