Press Release Headlines

1,855 NFL Players Need New Financial Advisors; Two Simple Ways to Add Them as Clients, Right Now

SEATTLE, June 30, 2011 — In the 2009 Sports Illustrated article, "How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke," Pablo S. Torre reported that:

By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.

With the average NFL career spanning roughly 3.5 years, the current lockout situation and over 1,450 players in the league, there are a flood of NFL players who need to make drastic changes to their financial plan, right now, to avoid becoming part of those nasty statistics (it is reported that NBA and MLB retirees face a similar dilemma).

How to add pro athlete clients now and be part of the solution to this financial pandemic

For any relationship to begin, a connection is required.  This can occur from referrals, centers of influence, etc.

These are great, BUT are "passive" means because they depend on others taking an action. An "active" approach to take is making the connections yourself. But how?

To learn what an ex-Wall Streeter, a current sports agent and a current NBA player say is the #1 most effective way to develop relationships with pro athletes (hint, it is NOT contacting the athletes), go to:

Now that you know who to contact, what is the best way to stand out from the crowd?

Traditional means (phone, mail, introductions, etc.) are good channels for creating relationships, but here is one to add to the repertoire that may be the most successful. What is it?

Postcard marketing … This underutilized tool accomplishes an important step in getting your brand in front of the decision makers. Features of postcard marketing:

  • Low cost
  • Instantly visual
  • No envelope to open
  • Simple to begin a campaign

How do I find postcard service providers?

Here are providers Pro Athlete Direct has found that provide the A to Z of a campaign (some printed and mailed at <$.35 each): (free samples) ($50 off first order)

How does Pro Athlete Direct connect service providers with pro athletes and their agents?

With a LIVE database of over 6,200 professional athletes (+ 1,000 European pro athletes being added in Q3), Pro Athlete Direct enables financial service providers to connect with athletes and their agents. To learn more, go to:


Brian Ouellette, founder

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